Quotes From "The Puzzled Puppy What Donald Trump Supporters Need To Know: But Are Too Infatuated To Figure Out" By Gizmo

Dishonesty is not only the destroyer of beauty, but of what beauty creates, even out of ugliness - understanding. Dishonesty is the extinguisher of understanding, and understanding is the foundation of compassion. Gizmo
Donald Trump has been called, by psychologists and clinical psychologists, over and over again, a narcissist with multiple sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies. Gizmo
NOTE: If Donald Trump continues to be stupid enough to respond to everyone who states the obvious fact that he is ignorant, he will starve to death because he won't have time to eat. Gizmo
Experts have called Donald Trump's ignorance "breathtaking." Jeffrey Goldberg has said that Trump has "no understanding of the post-war international order that was created by the United States." Goldberg further stated that Trump shows "little interest in understanding why the world is organized the way it is. Gizmo
Donald Trump is a liar because he is a coward. It is fear and cowardice that make him lie. it is his fragile ego that makes him lie. Gizmo
Not only is Donald Trump the most despised candidate ever, but many of the people who have made the most scathingly censorious criticisms of him are members of his own party. This is absolutely unprecedented in our history, and it ought to give pause to all Americans, particularly supporters of Donald Trump. Gizmo
No one as consistently, spectacularly, and admittedly greedy as Donald Trump could possibly give two poops about us. Absolutely impossible. I will go so far as to say that, if elected, Donald Trump would be the least likely President in the history of our nation to do anything for any of us that wouldn't also benefit him. Gizmo
Donald Trump's secrets are two. - He has mastered the art of persuasion. - He has absolutely no conscience. Gizmo
In short Donald Trump lies compulsively in large part because of who and what he is - a coward. This is why Mike Brzezinski said recently, "He brings nothing to the table. Gizmo